Group Location

If we meet at a different location, are we still covered?

    • If the group meets at a different location from the original location as a permanent meeting space and a new certificate of insurance is needed while in the policy term, the policy on the portal will need to be updated with the correct address. 
    • If this change of location mid-term is not permanent, the policy follows the group, as long as you remain in the United States and is taught by a parent, tutor, or volunteer. One-on-one instruction is not covered.

I am renewing but we no longer meet at the location we had last year. I need to remove it. 

    • No change is needed unless your new facility owner requires a Certificate of Insurance showing proof of your insurance protection.

Additional Certificates of Insurance do not automatically carry over to the next renewal.  A new additional insured must be added each year.  You need to physically add the additional insureds each year.

How do I add an additional insured (new facility/meeting location) if I already renewed? 

    • You may add the new facility and obtain a certificate if they require it by logging into your account.
    • Find the question: “Are you obligated to name any organization as an Additional Insured”?
    • Click yes, and a field will open up.
    • Enter the new facility and address. As soon as you enter the information and submit it, your documents will be available for printing.

Our meeting space location is asking for a Certificate of Insurance and wants to be named as an Additional Insured.  What does this mean?

    1. The owner of the property you are using is asking for proof that you have insurance protection in place while using their facilities.  Insurance companies provide this proof in the form of a Certificate of Insurance.  Many facility owners also ask to be named as Additional Insured.  This means if your group’s activities cause bodily injury or property damage while on that property and are sued for damages, the facility owner will also be protected and defended by your policy, rather than their own insurance policy.
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